Wednesday 25 June 2014

Apple Advert Interview

Interview Questionnaire

1.     What message do you think that the advert was trying to get across?

How the iPhone is useful for many things.

2.     Was it clear that the advert was showing the Siri system, or did you think it could have just been a normal apple advert?

Yes it was clear because he asking questions.

3.     Was the use of clay animation a good way to show the intelligence of the product, and why?

Yes because it gave a form to the Siri character.

4.     Is the apple theme prominent enough in the advert or should it be stressed more?

It was subtle and very well executed.

5.     Did you enjoy the advert and what was your favourite part?

Yes and my favourite part was when Siri walked into the iPhone.

6.     Did all the individual parts of the advert i.e. music, lighting, frames per second, work well together and why?

Yes because it felt like an apple atmosphere and it was very smooth and fluent.

7.     Do you think that advert was the right length or was it too long, and why?

Perfect length because the apple adverts feel the same way.

8.     Do you think that our advert would have come out better if we had used Pixilation, paper cut out’s or small objects?

No because it wouldn’t fit in with the advert and also clay gave a body to Siri making it feel alive.

9.     Do you think that the advert would have been successful in selling the product, and how?

Yes because it gives a good impression of Siri and makes it feel like a superior product.

10. If you could what improvements would you make and why?

The examples of how Siri worked should have been shorter.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Apple Advert Evaluation

When we planned the feedback from my animation, we wanted to find out what our audience thought about the styles, techniques and overall perception of our advert.

For my first question, I asked if people enjoyed the overall advert. This is my results for the particular question: 

For my second question, I asked if the advert represented Apple well. All the results I received said yes along with comments like "the music made it clear it was for Apple, it complimented it well." and "the use of the different questions signifying that it's talking to Siri." When researching previous Apple adverts, I could see that the music used is very similar to the music that we included in our advert and so it was our aim to have a piano piece which sounded like a piece Apple would also use.

The third question asked if there was creativity shown in the advert and if so, how? For this question we received many different answers including "yes, the facial expressions were brilliant", "yes the use of different clay objects and voice overs." People also enjoyed when Siri opened up the umbrella stating "the most creative part was the weather, when Siri put up the umbrella."  All these responses tell us that using props and an aspect of iPhone technology made it interesting to watch. We took the concept of 'Siri' and made it into an actual object meaning it could represent Apple in a fun and exciting way, letting the audience enjoy while watching.

The fourth question was if people thought that the overall editing worked well. Everyone agreed yes although someone mentioned that "it was a bit jumpy". To improve this, we would made sure that the camera was in the same place each time we took the photo and make sure the lighting was the same. Due to the short amount of time we had to make the advert, I don't feel we had enough time to really make it the best we could, but if we had a second chance with more time then we would make sure all the settings were the same.

I had many different results for the fifth question which was 'What do you think of the stop-motion technique used?' The majority of respondents said it was "effective" and the "right technique used". They also said that they "liked the way of showing Siri because it was different and gives Siri a personality. A few people mentioned that "sometimes he moved a bit robotic-like because he didn't always move his arms" and that "the movement wasn't very realistic" Again, we could improve this by spending a lot of time working out what technique worked the best for Siri to move smoothly. We made common mistakes such as forgetting to move Siris arms meaning when he did, it was a sudden movement. 

For the sixth question, we asked if the style looked professional/realistic. 90% of people agreed yes although there was 10% that disagreed. Someone stated that "the music was a big difference and without it, it wouldn't have worked as well." I was thankful for this feedback as it shows that the music was a great part of the advert meaning that the research into previous Apple adverts had come to use, as we had spent a lot of time finding the right piece that worked well with the advert. 

We asked if Apple/Siri was shown in a positive way. The results we received were all yes with comments such as "the character looked happy" and "the questions asked to Siri were realistic and relatable making it seem useful and overall positive." This was very good feedback as we were trying to illustrate a positive advert, taking in mind that if this was a real advert that we would be trying to persuade people to buy Apple products. 


For the eighth question we asked 'How did the advert make you feel?' the majority of respondents answered happy along with interested and 'professional'. Someone responded that they were "happy to own an Apple product" which is a great success as we were trying to pursue that outcome. 

In the ninth question, every single person answered yes to 'Was the storyline clear?' This shows that we succeeded in making sure the advert was easy to follow. I was very happy with this feedback as if it wasn't clear then that means people wouldn't obviously understand what was happening, again meaning people wouldn't enjoy the advert and so less likely to buy a product from Apple. 

For the last question, we asked what respondents thought of the duration length of the advert. We gave four options which consisted of:
Too long, Too short, Good amount of time and Other. 
Again the majority of people responded with good amount of time although someone responded through the 'other' option and commenting "Good timing but some of the walking scenes dragged out when it could have been cut down." I feel personally that it was a good amount of time and so I don't feel I would have to improve that aspect.

Overall I feel the stop motion animation Advert worked well and was a success for what we could achieve in the amount of time we were given. The feedback I received from the advert showed not many negative results which I was also happy about. The responses seemed to be positive comments saying that the use of the objects worked well with the character and the animation itsself was good in the way that it moved and flowed well. When asked about the advert and what stands out the most common response was that the music suited with what was happening on screen and that it fitted the mood of the advert. If given more time to redo the task, I would have liked to speed up some of the frames as they are sometimes quite slow. I would have also like to re-take images of Siri and this time make sure everything of his was moving at the same time to make it look as realistic as possible.

We encountered a few problems when making the advert, the first one was getting the lighting the same every time so you wouldn't be able to tell that we shot it on different days however this problem was overcome by using the same lamp and making sure that the lights where turned off in the room that we were filming in. Another problem that we faced was that the Siri character kept on hardening when we used him the next day, this meant that we had to get most of the filming done over the space of two days so Siri was pliable enough to move. 

In conclusion I am happy with the final product and that way that the final advert looks.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Statement of Copyright

Statement of Copyright

What is copyright?
Copyright is a legal idea, passed by most governments, that grants the creator of an original piece of work exclusive rights to its use and circulation, usually for a limited time, with the purpose of allowing the creator of knowledgeable wealth (e.g. the photographer of a photograph or the author of a book) to receive compensation for their work and be able to financially support themselves.

The Rights Covered?
The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films etc. rights to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover;
·        -  Broadcast and public performance
·        - Copying
·        - Adapting
·        - Issuing
·        - Renting
·        - Lending copies to the public

In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to lies of their work.

The Work Protected?

·         Literary: song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc.
      Dramatic: plays, dance, etc.
·         Musical: recordings and score.
·         Artistic: photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos.
·         Typographical arrangement of published editions: magazines, periodicals, etc.
·         Sound recording: may be recordings of other copyright works, e.g. musical and literary.
·         Film: video footage, films, broadcasts and cable programmes.

Acts That Are Allowed?

Fair dealing is a term used to describe acts which are allowed to a certain point without invading the work, these acts are:
·         Private and research study purposes.
·         Performance, copies or lending for educational purposes.
·         Criticism and news reporting.
·         Incidental inclusion.
·         Copies and lending by librarians.
·         Acts for the purposes of royal commissions, statutory enquiries, judicial proceedings and parliamentary purposes.
·         Recording of broadcasts for the purposes of listening to or viewing at a more convenient time, this is known as time shifting.
·         Producing a backup copy for personal use of a computer program.

·         Playing sound recording for a non-profit making organisation, club or society.



CAP: Committee of Advertising Practise

Who are they?
Our industry is ruled by codes of practice that are designed to protect consumers and create an equal playing field for advertisers. The Codes are the responsibility of two industry Committees - the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) and are independently managed by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

The Committees of Advertising Practice write and keep the UK Advertising Codes, which are managed by the Advertising Standards Authority. They offer the industry professional advice and guidance on how to create campaigns that obey the rules.

What do the Codes cover?
·         - Print and press ads
·         - Posters
·         - Direct mail
·         - Television and radio ads
·         - Competitions, special offers
·         - Email and text messages
·         - Internet (banners, pop-ups, virals, sponsored search, marketing communications on companies’ own websites and other non-paid for space under their control.)
·         - Teleshopping
·         - Cinema commercials
·         - Promotions
·         - And more.

Areas of the BCAP Code that are relevant to my advert
·         - Television and radio ads
·         - Internet (banners, pop-ups, virals, sponsored search, marketing communications on companies’ own websites and other non-paid for space under their control.)
·         - Cinema commercials

·         - Posters 

Thursday 28 November 2013

Location Recce

Location Recce and Survey

Location name:  Esher College

Date:  27/11/13

Survey time:  14:33

Address:  Esher College, Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0JB

Contact:  07747110312

Layout: Open space




Available power: Available sockets for charging camera if needed.

Natural light:  Windows- open roof

Doors & windows:  ---






Weather:  Warm preferably       

Light:  Sunny/Warm  

Sound:  ---

Have you obtained a signed Agreement for use of site? - Yes

Did you inform the managers/owners of the location as to what to expect? - Yes  

Have the managers/owners advised the site is free of any hazards? - Yes

Does the basic building structure appear sound? - Yes

If the location is an operational facility are there emergency procedures available on site? - Yes

Have arrangements been made for the supervision of any children who will be on the site for your production? – Not needed


Is the site free of hazards which may lead to slips, trips, falls? - Yes

Have any danger areas been clearly marked and/or taped? – Not needed

Are exits, corridors, and stairways well lit? (If not, take a back-up supply of torches) - Yes

Are fire and emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed? – Not needed

Are there appropriate means of emergency egress and communications such as lights, fire exits, operational telephone lines and signs? - Yes


Are the access and egress points suitable for carrying/transporting the film equipment/gear? – Not needed

Are guard rails or hand railings in place on raised platforms or potentially unstable areas (eg cliff edges, stair cases, etc)? – Not needed

Is the surface stable enough for mounting the camera support? - Yes

Have flats/props been checked to ensure they are stable and safe for crew and cast? - Yes

Is there an adequate heating system for the building? - Yes

Are you working in a location that has domestic electricity supply of 240 volts? – Not needed        

Is there enough electrical output for the demand needed? – Not needed

Are fire extinguishers and/or other fire safety equipment required/available and in working condition? - Yes

Is fire fighting equipment accessible and noted on the call sheet? - Yes

Has the issue of smoking of cigarettes by cast and crew been addressed? (Where can they smoke? Is there provision for extinguishing and cleaning up butts?  - Yes

Have the daily call sheets identified the emergency procedures for each location? - Yes

Are there hygienic and functional toilets and hand washing facilities nearby? - Yes

Is there clean, drinkable water on site and enough running water for requirements? - Yes

Have you checked the location for lighting at the correct time of day to match the shoot? - Yes

What time of day do you loose light? - 4

Has a system for security of equipment/belongings from theft been identified? - Yes

Is there a hospital within 20 minutes travel time? - Yes

Is there a First Aid Kit available and someone responsible for it? – Not needed

Does traffic control need to be arranged? - No

Can pedestrians safely move around the area? – Not needed

Has the volume and weight of the equipment to be transported been evaluated? – Not needed

Will you have enough people/equipment to transport the equipment to the location? - Yes

Do you have sufficient light for cast and crew to work in? - Yes

Has protection against predicted rain or strong winds been provided or planned for? – Not needed

Have you provision for disposal/recycling of waste generated while on location? - Yes

Will there be any detrimental impact on the environment by the cast, crew and the use of vehicles and equipment?  - No